Greetings friends,
Been a little while so I thought I'd check in. I hope this finds you well. (Well, you're reading this, so it did find you, at least. )
The end of my 3-mo. exclusive placement on KDP select is nigh, and I expect in near future to announce on what additional platforms The Awakening of David Rose may be found. It has garnered some nice reviews but we always need more, so, if you have read it or may read it and would be willing to post an honest review(and perhaps ask a few friends to consider the same), I'd be mighty obliged!
Meanwhile, I am about 3/4 done with a draft of a literary suspense manuscript I am jazzed about, called Cucariva. Hope to be getting it to some betas quite soon here. While the betas have that, I intend to dive into D Rose II: David Rose & the Forbideen Tournament. About 4 chapters in on that one...
And of course, a writer is nothing if not a reader, and most recently I have read Mcarthy's Suttree, Elmore Leonard's Valdez is Coming, and today am picking up Doctorow's Billy Bathgate.
What about you? What are you reading? Writing? Contemplating?
Thanks as always for your support. Talk soon~