Monday, December 19, 2016
At the End of the Tunnel, Light: Update on Work in Progress
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
What's in a Word(or 500)?
PS would love your thoughts on micro/flash fiction. Enjoy writing it? Reading it?
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
A Writer's Soul
—Virginia Woolf
Monday, September 26, 2016
“A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it.” – Roald Dahl
There is no shortage of eloquent wisdom from some of our greatest scribes on why they write, and for whom. I've been asked it; I think every writer has. It can be as vexing as those damnable query letters: you just penned 100K wonderful words, but how in God's name to sum it up nicely in just a few.
It's at once the hardest and easiest thing to answer, though I do very much like what Mr. Dahl had to say on the matter. I could cite 101 reasons if I could cite one. Increasingly, it's like being asked why I breathe. I write, because I am. And just maybe vice-versa. All I know is, when I'm writing I feel I'm doing what I'm meant to do, and when I'm not writing I so often feel I should be.
And that question of, for whom. Ask not, Ernest? Alas, I'm asking. The quick and easy is that we write for ourselves. I think that's almost always true to some degree. But whom, and what else? There have been a few who toil away with no intention of exposing their words to any eyes beyond their own, but most of us want to be read, heard, felt, understood. And if someone will pay to do it, better yet. 😉
Perhaps we write for the audiences of our chosen genre; if we want to sell books, we surely better. But that's author stuff, and yeah, most of us want to be published authors. I speak here of something a little more visceral--of that soul of a writer, that blood imperative that compels us beseeching to the page like so many wolves baying to the moon. That the world may hear us. Or at least some may. It is perhaps our message in a bottle, our Cryptograph of secret messages, heard uniquely by each soul, intended for millions or even just one. A brother; a friend; a kindred reader we'll never know. A sweet girl for whom your heart still beats. Here I stand, these, my words, my truth. My story begins and ends with you. A hand outstretched.
Whatever your reasons, they are the right ones. As always, thank you. Read on, and of course, write on.
Until next time~
Thursday, September 15, 2016
This Just In...
Never Say Never: Challenging Some of our Sacred Literary "Rules"
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Write On...
Been a little while so I thought I'd check in. I hope this finds you well. (Well, you're reading this, so it did find you, at least. )
The end of my 3-mo. exclusive placement on KDP select is nigh, and I expect in near future to announce on what additional platforms The Awakening of David Rose may be found. It has garnered some nice reviews but we always need more, so, if you have read it or may read it and would be willing to post an honest review(and perhaps ask a few friends to consider the same), I'd be mighty obliged!
Meanwhile, I am about 3/4 done with a draft of a literary suspense manuscript I am jazzed about, called Cucariva. Hope to be getting it to some betas quite soon here. While the betas have that, I intend to dive into D Rose II: David Rose & the Forbideen Tournament. About 4 chapters in on that one...
And of course, a writer is nothing if not a reader, and most recently I have read Mcarthy's Suttree, Elmore Leonard's Valdez is Coming, and today am picking up Doctorow's Billy Bathgate.
What about you? What are you reading? Writing? Contemplating?
Thanks as always for your support. Talk soon~
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Rachel's Room: A Tribute, A Thank You.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Today's Coordinates: The Z Axis
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Rachel's Room: Unsuspecting Wonders
photo courtesy of
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Ready, Set, RELAUNCH! The Awakening of David Rose
Sunday, May 22, 2016
A Rose by Any Other Name...BREAKING NEWS re My Novel~
Thanks for your continued support and in the meantime, here's a little snippet from Book II in the series...
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Author Interview: Amira Makansi
Monday, April 25, 2016
Guest Post: Promises to Keep and Miles to Go
Take a peek here for the story behind the story, and the dream behind it all, for The Awakening of David Rose.
Hope you enjoy. Thanks!
Author Interview: KM Weiland
BOOK RELEASE: The Awakening of David Rose
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Who Wants to Live Forever? The Theme of Time & Immortality in The David Rose Series
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
COVER REVEAL: The Awakening of David Rose
So a huge shout-out and thank you to Elena Makanski who donated her (considerable) time and talent to conjure this awesome cover, which beautifully represents the themes and tones of the tale. And big gratitude to Melody and the BT team for their support and help with this(and all) aspect too.
I hope you like it(let me know your thoughts), and I hope you'll join us Monday, April 25, 6-10PM CST(drop in anytime) for the Launch Party, where the book will be available, you can interact with me and other writers/readers, there will be give-aways, and more.
Join the Awakening here, on the 25th.
The Awakening of David Rose
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
BOOK LAUNCH: The Awakening of David Rose
Monday, April 18, 2016
DAWN OF THE LIGHTKEEPERS: Prelude to the David Rose series
Please enjoy this short prelude to the David Rose series, DAWN OF THE LIGHTKEEPERS, and look out for the exciting announcement in coming days. Thanks!
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Coming Soon: Cover Reveal
PS: If you haven't already, have a look-see at my FB author site, where you can find some quotes from the story(and my WIP) and keep up to date about release news. Thanks, and as always, happy writing and reading to all!