Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Not Sure Where to Start? Helpful E-Book Resource(yes, I'm in it).


Very excited that a guest post I did for Carol Tice at her helpful and successful site How to Make a Living Writing, is featured as part of a smartly-arranged collection of perspectives/guidance from 40 talented writers/bloggers...addressing through their unique lens and experiences the so often vexing question of how to get started with our writing and publication ambitions. 

I've read almost all of it and it's good stuff--very helpful if you and/or anyone you know harbors such literary aspirations. It's a great deal: just $3.99 for a resource which might and hopefully will help you on a path toward earning a good income from your work!

Full disclosure: I do get a percentage of any sales purchased through the link below. But with this or anything I ever may promote, I of course only want you to purchase if you think it may be enjoyable and beneficial to you or someone you know. I certainly hope you do, but certainly understand if you don't .

Anyway, take a peek here if you're so inclined, and you'll see more on the books, and even a cool photo wall of the 40 contributing authors--including me and also my talented and beautiful friend Nillu Nasser Stelter(hover your mouse over a photo to cue up the respective author's name).

Here's the link, and thanks as always for your support!

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